Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thanks for Coming Out on Tuesday

Thanks everyone who came out Tuesday night to participate in the workshop. My mom finished up the workshop on embroidery, and Lisa Wilcoxen facilitated a workshop on basic quilting. I didn't do a sign in sheet, but I'm guessing that we had between 20 and 25 people come through over the course of the evening. We thank Lisa Wilcoxen, Essie Leonard, Chris Malawy and Reneau Diallo for their workshops and for supporting the facilitators. The teamwork is phenomenal! Here are pics from last night's session. The quality of the pics is not good, but you get a sense for what happened.


Here is a link to pics from Valerie Leonard's mobile uploads. These include pics from 2 weeks ago and earlier.

Remember Jacquelyn Gipson, one of our lead quilters, in our prayers. Her dad is very ill, and she finds herself visiting him in the hospital twice a day. In spite of this, she is always looking for ways to help us out. We have set up a separate Facebook page for the project. Please suggest that your friends "like" the North Lawndale African American Heritage Quilting Project.

We are considering preparing residents to participate in next year's Solidarity Market, so they can make their own crafts and sell them to the public. In the meantime, I have attached a copy of the flyer for this year's event, which takes place on October 23. There is a potential for us to work with Marshall High School Alumni Association and CPS/Service Learning to document local community history and the lives of prominent CPS alumni from the area.

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